Premier Custom Builder
in the Highlands Plateau


Home Building

Building your dream home, or your dream vacation home, is a blend of excitement, trepidation and anticipation. Futral is here to bring your goals to life with expert guidance and decades of experience.

Commercial Spaces

From building restaurants to clubhouses, we can turn your corporate dreams into reality. One of the few builders in the area with a commercial license, we put the same attention and effort into commercIal projects alike.

Real Estate

We hold a real estate license and understand the complex market after living here for over twenty years. We can help you find a property that fits your needs, or refer you to a trusted agent in the area.

Combined ShapeCreated with Sketch.

From start to finish -
we’ll be there


Meet with us to discuss your vision, budget, and timeline for your new home. We can also help find and assess property. We'll start to understand your style and any unique elements you want to incorporate.


If you don't have an architect, we can connect you with esteemed local architects to get started on a set of plans.


We pride ourselves on finishing projects in a timely, efficient, and cost-effective manner. We utilize software like Buildertrend to stay organized and keep you in the loop, regardless of where you may reside.